The Hidden Danger Lurking in Your Home: Federal Pacific Breaker Panels
Your home's electrical system is the backbone of modern living, powering everything from your lights and appliances to your gadgets and heating/cooling systems. But what if your electrical system harbors a hidden danger that could jeopardize your safety? This is precisely the case with Federal Pacific breaker panels.
What are Federal Pacific Breaker Panels?
Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) was a manufacturer of electrical panels and circuit breakers popular in North America during the mid-20th century. Unfortunately, over time, these panels have gained notoriety for their safety issues, particularly the Stab-Lok circuit breakers they contained.
The Problem with Stab-Lok Breakers
The primary issue with Federal Pacific breaker panels revolves around their Stab-Lok circuit breakers. These breakers were designed to trip and disconnect electrical circuits when overcurrent or short circuits occurred. However, extensive research and testing have shown that Stab-Lok breakers often fail to do their job effectively.
1. Breaker Failure:
One of the most concerning issues with Stab-Lok breakers is their tendency to fail to trip when they should. This means that in the event of an electrical overload or short circuit, the breaker might not disconnect the power as intended, posing a significant fire hazard.
2. Fire Risk:
Due to their poor tripping performance, Federal Pacific breaker panels have been linked to a higher risk of electrical fires. When these breakers fail to trip, the excessive electrical load can generate heat, causing wires to melt and ignite nearby flammable materials.
3. Lack of Certification: FPE lost its UL (Underwriters Laboratories) certification for Stab-Lok breakers in the 1980s. This loss of certification further highlights the safety concerns surrounding these panels. Some insurance companies will not even insure a home with these panels today.
4. Aging Panels:
Federal Pacific panels are now quite old, and aging components can exacerbate safety issues. Over time, the circuit breakers and connections within these panels can deteriorate, increasing the risk of malfunctions and electrical hazards.
What Should You Do If You Have a Federal Pacific Panel?
If your home still has a Federal Pacific breaker panel, it's crucial to take action:
1. Have it inspected by a qualified electrician:
A professional electrician can evaluate the condition of the panel and its breakers, identifying any potential hazards.
2. Consider replacement:
In many cases, the best course of action is to replace the Federal Pacific panel with a modern, safer electrical panel. This investment in your home's safety is well worth it, considering the potential risks associated with these panels.
Your safety and peace of mind are priceless. Call us today at 940-390-7606
and we will send out one of our professionals to evaluate your panel and present you with the options you need.